Important Information about CICC Carbon Futures ETF (“CICC Carbon ETF” or the “Sub-Fund”). Terms used in this website, unless otherwise stated, shall have the same meanings as those defined in the prospectus of the Sub-Fund (the “Prospectus”).
Important Information

The Units of CICC Carbon Futures ETF (“CICC Carbon ETF” or the “Sub-Fund”) ceased trading on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited from 25 November 2024. For details, please refer to the “Announcement and Notice of The Proposed Cessation of Trading, Termination, Voluntary Deauthorisation and Delisting and Non-Applicability of Certain Provisions of The Code On Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds” dated 20 August 2024, the subsequent reminder announcements and all other relevant announcements relating to the Sub-Fund.

CICC Carbon Futures ETF